A child beaten to death in a madrasa and a child raped with Quran opened in front.

 Another child abuse case has occurred recently. A Qari (religious teacher) of Pindi Bhattian Punjab has beaten an orphan child to death. 

Back when I was a kid I used to go to a mosque for religious education and I have witnessed this all myself. These so-called religious scholars enjoy beating children with rubber pipes and rods. The poor child failed to memorize his lesson and for that the maulvi (religious teacher beat him to death).The modern parents of today do not send their child to madrasa but arrange a Qari tutor at home. My blog can’t reach those parents maybe but who are reading this can you please just talk some sense into those parents and tell them that those madrasas are not safe anymore and have become a house of physical and sexual abuse instead.

The widowed mother of this child was threatened by the representative of this area to let this matter go and continue with her life.

The Rape in front of the Quran

Quran is our holy book and we try to live our life according to the teachings of the Quran. A boy narrated his story that how he was molested in front of his Quran opened that was gifted to him by a family member. He tells that he was in 4th grade then and the guys who molested him in the mosque were college students. He fought with them bravely but what could a little child do against 4 boys. The boy has grown into a well groomed adult now and on the day of judgement, the Quran will speak for this blessed boy as it all happened when the Quran was opened right in front of him.

Our mosques are not clean anymore and everyday we do not know how many children are being abused like that. Kindly keep your eyes and ears open and look for those jackals around you who hide themselves under the religion cloak to commit such heinous crimes.


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